intelligence incorporated

We create thoughtful experiences for humans and propel brands with soul and substance.

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Thez One unlimited

One Creative Industry

We design and develop experiences that make people's lives simple.

We collaborate with people, teams, and businesses to design and develop new experiences, brand identities, strategies, and processes through web, print and digital interactions. We particularly love working with companies and people looking to pioneer an unconventional approach towards enhancing user experience.




user research

Design thinking + Storytelling

We see problems as stories; we solve them with traditional design thinking methodologies and innovative storytelling narratives. With this interdependent approach, problem solving is not only about finding solutions; it's about crafting compelling narratives that resonate with both the heart and the mind.

In an era where complexity and interconnectedness define our challenges, this approach offers a fresh perspective on how we can address them.

Media entertainment Technology

Ethics × Purpose

If it doesn't fit, just flip it over.

The Tetris psychology teaches us that the solution isn’t found in evading obstacles but in skilfully crafting and integrating them. We transform problems into narratives, recognizing that the right placement can create harmony.

Through cohesive narration, even the seemingly disparate blocks can fit together and form a solution.

invent innovate inspire

Experience × Design

Seamless, immediate, secure, on-demand, convenient, and personalized.

Deeper innovation efforts can begin by looking at the interface between what is changing at the limits of value and the emerging needs of your customer. Experience design complements those efforts. E×D pushes beyond the traditional approach of defining brands, measuring the value from the customer’s perspective, and continually investigating new areas of value that are natural extensions for the brand.

It becomes natural to proactively identify gaps between what a customer may need or expect, and what they are likely to get.

Let's meet for a cup of tea and talk about good things.

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